Goodbye, Summer!

Goodbye, Summer!

Members Only Weekends: Sept 8-10, Sept 15-17


Summer should get a speeding ticket! It has been a great season! After Labor Day, the pool is open for Members Only, on weekends only. Fridays: 4:30-8pm, Saturdays: 11-8pm, Sundays: 11-7pm. Due to staffing availability, these hours may be subject to change; any changes will be communicated via The Splash! Please sign up for The Splash for the latest updates. Form is below. As a reminder: Members may bring guests during these Members Only hours! The cost is $5/person for people over 2 years old. Each membership may bring up to 5 guests per membership, or the equivalent of a family. 

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Garden Hills Pool & Park Association | P.O. Box 52934 | Atlanta, GA 30355 |  [email protected] | Pool House: 404.848.7220
