The Garden Hill Pool is operated by the Garden Hills Pool & Park Association under lease from the City of Atlanta.  As a public pool, we adhere to all City of Atlanta Aquatics regulations and procedures and are bound by Fulton County Health Department requirements. The Officers and Board of Directors of the Garden Hills Pool & Park Association and the pool managers also have established rules for the safe and effective operation of the Pool.

All pool members and their guests are expected and required to follow the pool’s safety and operating rules. Individuals who refuse to do so may be asked to leave the pool for the remainder of the day; repeated or severe violations may result in longer suspensions of pool privileges.


*** While at the pool, all children TWELVE (12) YEARS OLD AND UNDER, must be accompanied by a chaperone 16 years old or older. ***




Due to the limited number of memberships sold each year, all purchases are final. A transfer of membership may be requested in writing and sent to [email protected]. All transfers require the approval of the Executive Committee of the Garden Hills Pool & Park Association.




Access to pool facilities may be limited or closed during regular operating hours by management at their sole discretion due to safety concerns including but not limited to overcrowding or capacity issues, weather (including thunder and/or lightning) and contamination. Please be advised that purchase of an annual membership does not guarantee you access or allow you priority to enter the pool in the event of closure or limited access.




All children swimming in the main pool or the wading pool are required to wear swim suits. In addition, children THREE (3) YEARS OLD OR UNDER or those not yet potty-trained must wear a disposable swim diaper AND reusable plastic swim pants.


In the event that loose fecal matter is discovered in the pool, it is a Fulton County health policy that we must clear the entire pool for twelve (12) hours.  This is for the safety of all patrons to insure that no one becomes sick from exposure to bacteria.  If you are a parent of a child who is not potty trained, please take this responsibility seriously to avoid disrupting the use of the pool for the entire community.

*** To avoid health risk, diaper changing is not allowed on the pool deck or on the picnic tables. It should be done in the pool house bathroom. ***




No large floats permitted in the pool at any time. Small, translucent ring floats are acceptable.

Only small, cloth-sided or soft-foam balls and inflatable beach balls are permitted in the pool.

Courtesy should be exercised when using floats, balls and water cannons in the pool, most especially when the pool is crowded. Lifeguards have the authority to pull these items from the pool if misconduct is noted, or it is deemed unsafe for crowded conditions.





Patrons who enter Staff Only areas will be ejected from the pool immediately.


Patrons who have been warned twice in one week by a lifeguard/manager to correct undesirable behaviors will be banned from the pool for one week. Such behaviors include repeated failure to follow the posted pool rules and rudeness to pool staff. If the patron is under 18 years old, they must be accompanied by a parent and checked in with a manager upon their return.


If a patron has been banned from the pool for a week and returns with repeatedly disruptive behaviors, the Board of the Garden Hills Pool & Park Association will be notified by the staff and will decide the next steps, which may include a full-season ban from visiting the pool.


If the patron is a pool member, they are subject to a full-season ban or their membership may be revoked without refund.


The rules instituted by the Garden Hills Pool Board are in place to ensure the safety of all who enter. Those who repeatedly fail to respect and obey the rules are directing lifesaving staff’s attention away from the other pool patrons, thus putting others in danger. Such behaviors will not be tolerated.




When the lifeguards on duty hear thunder, a whistle is blown and swimmers are asked to exit the water and remain five feet back from the water for 30 minutes from the last sound of thunder.


When lightning is sighted by the lifeguards, an announcement will be made that everyone must EXIT THE POOL and CLEAR OFF THE ENTIRE POOL AND ALL DECK AREAS for 30 minutes from the last visible lightning strike. When lightning is in the area, the National Weather Service recommends that you go to a safe building or vehicle. Do not shelter under trees. You are not safe anywhere outside during a lightning storm.


We appreciate everyone’s understanding and cooperation during summer storms. Our ultimate goal is to keep everyone safe and happy throughout the swimming season.




 General Entry Fee for non-members and member guests is $5.  All City of Atlanta Public Pools are mandated to charge a consistent entry fee. This fee is set by the City of Atlanta Parks Department each season, and applies to all persons over the age of 2 who enter the pool area, whether the intent is to swim or not.


The exceptions to this rule are Home Swim Meets, and Free Swim Hours, during which times admissions fees are waived. Please consult the calendar on the Calendar & Entry Fees page for the current summer schedule.


For annual members, a membership keytag will be issued for each household member 13yrs old and up.  Membership keytags should be scanned by the pool staff every time you enter the pool. Please cooperate with our staff if they ask to see other identification.




Guests of members must pay the General Entry Fee of $5 for all persons over 2 years old, and may accompany their member hosts during hours that the pool is open to members only. Guest fees per person vary for member only parties and events.


Each member/family may bring no more than one guest/family unless they have scheduled a party with pool management in which party rates apply.


Memberships are non-transferable; members may not allow house guests or those who may be renting their house to use their key tag without accompanying their house guests.




In order to ensure proper lifeguard staffing, any group of 10 or more children (12yrs old or younger) must schedule their attendance with pool management ([email protected]) at least one week before their planned visit.  There are two areas on the pool deck which are available for rent, as well as the Special Events room in the pool house.



  • Only children approximately as tall or shorter than the fence surrounding the baby pool are allowed in the actual baby pool water
  • A maximum of thirteen (13) children are allowed in the baby pool at a time
  • A parent or guardian must accompany any child in the baby pool and remain with them at all times
  • All children swimming in the main pool or the wading pool are required to wear swimsuits. In addition, children TWO (2) YEARS OLD AND UNDER or those not yet potty trained MUST WEAR A DISPOSABLE SWIM DIAPER AND PLASTIC SWIM PANTS.




Camps are welcome to attend Garden Hills Pool! A camp is defined as any unit consisting of 10 or more campers which plans to attend Garden Hills Pool on a recurring basis. Camps must schedule their attendance with GHPPA Board Member Kirsten Neufeld at [email protected] a minimum of one week before their first planned visit. The safety of the campers is our top priority, and this cushion allows for us to staff accordingly for all camp visits.


Camps may frequent Garden Hills Pool up to two weekdays per week, for a maximum of three hours per visit, during public swim hours.


One swimming adult chaperone (16+) must be available for every five swimming capable children and for every two non-swimmers. Chaperones are required to closely supervise the campers when they are in the water.


Campers desiring the use of the deep end and diving well must pass a swim test as administered by management.


Admission rates will be consistent with general pool admissions policies. Camps interested in visiting GHP are advised to check the master calendar on our Calendar & Entry Fees page to see the activities already scheduled on their desired dates.




Two lanes in the pool are reserved for lap swimming and lessons only, except at certain times during swim team practices. Lap swimmers are to share a lane in the instance that more than two patrons wish to swim, either by circle-swimming or splitting the lane.


Patrons not actively swimming laps are not permitted in the lap lanes when lap swimmers are present. Swimmers may not swim through or jump over the lap swimming lane to get into or out of the pool.


Please check our master calendar on the Calendar & Entry Fees page to check the schedule on the day you plan to swim laps!




Please click here to see detailed information about Pool Hours.  We will make every effort to have the pool open during the hours shown in our operating schedule.


At the end of the swimming day, all swimmers must immediately exit the water. Within fifteen minutes after the closing time of the pool, everyone must have vacated the pool grounds.


Before or after normal operating hours, the pool may be used for swim team practice, staff meetings, or other purposes. During these functions, the pool is closed to all individuals not involved in those activities.




The North & South areas of the pool deck, as well as the Dan Martin Pool House Conference Room, are available on a reservation basis for birthday parties and other similar group functions. Reservations may be made online.


The pool is not available for private use outside of normally scheduled operating hours, nor may the entire facility be rented to any party, regardless of membership.  Please click here for details.

Garden Hills Pool & Park Association | P.O. Box 52934 | Atlanta, GA 30355 |  [email protected] | Pool House: 404.848.7220
